The Gold is Calling! …Enjoy the latest from Holey & Moley…
Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine – Season 3
Premieres US: Friday 19th March 2021
Shows will air on Discovery+ concurrently to the main channel with Episode 1 and 2 launching on 19th March at 8pm, then one episode pre-premiering weekly after that.
“Back for a third season of chasing the gold the old timers left behind, Dave and Team Turin are behind the eight ball. Following a delayed start caused by the global pandemic, Dave and his crew find themselves at Box Creek – a historic lost mine at 10,000ft elevation in the Colorado Rockies.
Previously mined by the legendary Derry Dredge, Dave will need all of his lost mine decoding experience to keep on the gold, and lead Team Turin to a record setting season total that will secure all of their futures”